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Q-Stories - First Story Shot!

shooting for "Creme&Wash" went great!! many thanks for this great day to Rachel Laurence, Lilly and Charlotte Machin, Tracie and Claire "Crocodile Casting", Tanya Greep "TMG London", Erin & Candice "Goldilocks Agency", Nancy Barouk-Hasler, Felix Obkircher, Holly Gibbs and Thomas Wittmann. next step: editing and postproduction.


der dreh für "Creme&Wash" verlief super!! vielen dank für diesen tollen tag an Rachel Laurence, Lilly und Charlotte Machin, Tracie und Claire "Crocodile Casting", Tanya Greep "TMG London", Erin & Candice "Goldilocks Agency", Nancy Barouk-Hasler, Felix Obkircher, Holly Gibbs und Thomas Wittmann. nächster schritt: schnitt und postprduktion.


le riprese per "Creme&Wash" sono andate alla meraviglia!! mille grazie per questo grande giorno a Rachel Laurence, Lilly e Charlotte Machin, Tracie e Claire "Crocodile Casting", Tanya Greep "TMG London", Erin & Candice "Goldilocks Agency", Nancy Barouk-Hasler, Felix Obkircher, Holly Gibbs e Thomas Wittmann. prossima fermata: editing e post-produzione.

Shooting Setup via Video-Telephony

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